We Got a Facelift

Everything Recording has been around for 3 long years and we’ve had the exact…same…look. Seeing that I don’t really read the site like most of you do, I didn’t realize just how much hell I was putting your eyes through with the old black gloomy background. Not to mention that in 3 years, web technology grows exponentially and that site was the equivalent to Windows 95 and CRT monitors. It was just too basic and if you know me personally, you know I’m not a fan of basic anything. On top of that, the amount of traffic I was getting was growing exponentially and big names in Pro Audio were starting to send me Press Releases so I had to make sure I could represent them as best as I can.
Therefore I set out to build a site that rivaled even the biggest news outlets. I wanted a ticker running across the top showing important things… Boom! I wanted movement to the site to keep you on longer… Boom. I wanted the writing to be easy on the eyes. I think we have that as well. We also now have a newsfeed that will send posts directly to your email  so you don’t even have to bother typing the site in and constantly checking for something new. I’ve even given you comment posting via Facebook! What more could you want?! Well then… tell me and I’m sure I can make it happen.
I also have to give a huge thanks to Colton Rucker for constantly helping me out with some of the tougher coding and constant pestering. (He also hosts my site so if you need design and hosting, he can do it for a lot less than you think.) www.ColtonRucker.com
I also have to give photo credit on the background to my good friend Todd Cosgrove. Heres the full picture. It’s a great representation of what my brain looks like in the studio.

Anywho. Take a look around and see whats happening! Hope you enjoy the site and if you can think of any features you’d like to see, let me know.

